News BTB Jansky GmbH
ProcessPLUS® Users Group Meeting 2022 - The Webinar
Dear All-
As most people, we are growing weary of the pandemic and we would like to start the year with the prospect of meeting up in person again. However, to be realistic and to be on the safe side, we have decided to host a virtual meeting or Webinar. We therefore have the pleasure to invite you to the 2022 ProcessPLUS Users Group Webinar.
It will take place on May 18, 2022 from 14:00 - 18:00 CET (08:00 - 12:00 EST)
We intend to use GotoMeeting for the meeting. Please let us know if you have difficulties to run GotoMeeting's webclient on your IT.
It would be great to get some feedback about your availability for the meeting!
We are looking forward to exchanging the newest developments and ideas with you.
By the way: If you haven't already seen it, we have created a short introductory animation to explain how process data reconciliation works. You can view it at
Kind regards,
Andy Jansky
Dr. Magnus Langenstein